Welcome to MyPension
‘MyPension’ is a secure online service that allows Active, Deferred and Pensioner members to view important pension information which Merseyside Pension Fund holds.
Active, Deferred and Pensioner Members can use MyPension to view and amend their personal details i.e. postal and email addresses and telephone number.
Active and Deferred Members can use MyPension to view their latest Annual Benefit Statement.
Pensioner Members can use MyPension to view data from both their monthly pension payslips and annual P60 certificate.

I am an existing MyPension User
If you have already activated your account, click ‘Login’ below, you will then be prompted to input the username, password and one of the security responses you previously created.

Activate my Account
If you do not activate your account within 30 days of receiving your Activation key, you will need to complete a new MyPension activation request.